The MegaMilitary Project | Online Edition #459
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Ships of World War II (2000)

All the main warships with over 90 pictures and full specifications

TK Tim Kirsten Updated
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Ships of World War II - 2000 - All the main warships with over 90 pictures and full specifications

Ships of World War II includes all the main warships of World War II with over 90 photographs of the ships their design, development, and service history provided for each one of them. The book was written by an expert on naval history (John Ward). You will also find the full specifications for each ship, all weights and measurements (in metric and imperial).

Contents of the book



Dunkerque, Jeanne D’Arc, Montcalm, Richelieu


Bismarck, Blücher, Emden, Gneisenau, Graf Spee, Köln, Lützow, Prinz Eugen, Scharnhorst, Schleswig-Holstein, Tirpitz

Great Britain

Argonaut, Ajax, Ark Royal, Audacity, Barham, Belfast, Centurion, Duke of York, Dunedin, Edinburgh, Formidable, Furious, Hermes, Hood, Indomitable, Kelly, King George V, Nelson, Newcastle, Queen Elizabeth, Prince of Wales, Repulse, Rodney, Royal Sovereign, Sheffield, Trinidad, Vanguard, Victorious, Warspite


Bande Nere, Fiume, Gorizia, Lanciere, Pola, Vittorio Veneto, Zara


Akagi, Haruna, Hiei, Hosho, Hyuga, Kaga, Kirishima, Kongo, Mogami, Mutsu, Myoko, Nagato, Shimakaze, Takao, Yamato, Zuiho, Zuikaku

United States

Alabama, Atlanta, Augusta, Chicago, Denver, Duane, Enterprise, Heerman, Hornet, Houston, Indianapolis, Johnston, Lexington, Maryland, Missouri, Pittsburgh, Ranger, Texas, Tuscaloosa, Yorktown

  • France
  • Germany Nazi (1933-1945)
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • United States
  • United Kingdom
WWII (1939-1945)


Preview: Ships of World War II - 2000
Preview: Ships of World War II - 2000
Preview: Ships of World War II - 2000
Preview: Ships of World War II - 2000
Preview: Ships of World War II - 2000
Preview: Ships of World War II - 2000
Preview: Ships of World War II - 2000
Preview: Ships of World War II - 2000


  • File Description
    File Size
    File Type
  • Ships of World War II (published 2000)
    All the main warships with over 90 pictures and full specifications
    18 MB
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