The MegaMilitary Project | Online Edition #499
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Combat Aircraft (1984)

20th Century Weapons by Charles Messenger

TK Tim Kirsten Updated
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Combat Aircraft by Charles Messenger 1984

It was a little over eighty years ago that the first "heavier than air" flying machine actually to take off from the ground was built. A few years later, at the beginning of World War I, combat aircraft appeared and added a new dimension to warfare. At first, military aircraft were used simply for spying on the enemy. Very quickly, however, they took on new roles.

There were bombing aircraft, aircraft for controlling artillery fire and fighters whose principal job was to attack other aircraft. The latter became very important, as it was soon realized that the side that had control of the air had more chance of winning the battle on land. Aircraft could attack the enemy with bombs and machine guns on the battlefield itself, and also strike directly at the enemy's country. Over the years, more tasks were given to aircraft in war, from patrolling the seas to transporting troops and supplies. Today there are literally hundreds of different types of military aircraft, They range from light, fast fighters to huge bombers that can carry 30 tons of bombs; there are also aircraft that can carry over 100 paratroopers, and light bombers that can fly for hundreds of kilometers inside enemy territory at only 76m (250ft). All these, and more, are used by the world's air forces today. Therefore, the term "combat aircraft" includes not just fighters, but bombers, ground attack aircraft, and surveillance and transport aircraft also. Used in its widest sense, it covers any aircraft with a war purpose.

The book was designed by Charles Messenger to show you the modern combat aircraft, this book covers its roles, how the aircraft is constructed, the engines, electronics and weapons systems, and aerial tactics. The crews who fly the sophisticated aircraft of today are discussed as well as how a military airfield operates. A section on naval aircraft and the defenses against attack by aircraft both at sea and on land is included. There is also a look into the future to see what technological developments in combat aircraft we can expect to see before the end of the century. Finally, there is a short history of the ways in which aircraft have been used in war, a glossary of the more common aviation terms, and a list of the different types of combat aircraft in the service of the air forces of over twenty of the world's major military powers.

Contents of the Combat Aircraft Book

  • Anatomy of a Combat Aircraft
  • Multi-role or Special Purpose?
  • The Jet Engine
  • Flight Crew
  • The Hot Seat
  • Weapons Systems
  • The Electronics Duel
  • Strategic Bombers
  • The Battle for Intelligence
  • The Weightlifters
  • The Airfield in Action
  • Naval Air Power
  • Anti-aircraft Defense
  • The Future?
  • Combat Aircraft: History and Development
  • Combat Aircraft in Service Today
Multiple Countries
ISBN 531 04867-5
  • Lebanese Civil War (1975-1990)
  • Soviet–Afghan War (1979-1989)


Preview: Combat Aircraft by Charles Messenger 1984
Preview: Combat Aircraft by Charles Messenger 1984
Preview: Combat Aircraft by Charles Messenger 1984
Preview: Combat Aircraft by Charles Messenger 1984
Preview: Combat Aircraft by Charles Messenger 1984
Preview: Combat Aircraft by Charles Messenger 1984
Preview: Combat Aircraft by Charles Messenger 1984
Preview: Combat Aircraft by Charles Messenger 1984


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  • Combat Aircraft by Charles Messenger - 1984
    20th Century Weapons by Charles Messenger
    7 MB
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