The MegaMilitary Project | Online Edition #595


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Despite the fact that German submarines had nearly brought Britain to her knees in World War I, the development of submarines was pursued with virtual indifference in the period between the wars except, in the case of the Japanese, for special purposes such as long-range scouting for their surface forces. From the outbreak of World War II in 1939 it became clear that the submarine could again become a decisive weapon. The Germans had only a small submarine force in 1939 but soon built the U-boat arm into a major force that, up to the crisis point in May 1943, nearly won the Battle of the At...
The word "motorcycle" combines the words "motor" and "bicycle." A motorcycle is a bicycle with a motor. A military motorcycle is a special kind of motorcycle. It is made to carry soldiers. Military motorcycles carry soldiers in peacetime and in wartime. They perform many different jobs. Soldiers have found that military motorcycles are especially good for delivering orders when radios break down.
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