The MegaMilitary Project | Online Edition #499

Conflicts & Wars

An understanding of world conflict is vital in order to prevent future wars and predict their consequences: famine, massacres, mass displacement, persecution, collapsed governments, genocide, wartime deaths, and retribution killings.

Violent conflict still is the dominant condition for tens of millions of people and, alongside progress in governance, defines the momentum of history for most of the world’s peoples. Most of today’s wars are in the poorer countries of the world. As well, where one finds violent conflict, one also finds authoritarian governments.

Inevitably, there will be more horrible wars and innovations in mass destruction. War continues to be part of the birthing pain of emerging democracies. Peace in our time will depend, in part, on a broader international understanding of these problems, which can be promoted by more people reading websites like MegaMilitary.

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Germany’s strategy, decided long before the war, was to contain Russia on the Eastern Front and make a lightning attack on France; and having defeated that nation, transport the bulk of the German forces to mount an offensive against Russia, a plan made practical by the swift movement possible on the extensive railway system.
The dramatic sinking of the Lusitania by a german submarine marked the second year of World War I. Most notable were also the battles at Neuve-Chapelle, of Woëvre, the second battle of Ypres, Vimy Ridge, renewed fighting in Champagne and Artois and finally the battle of Loos.
1916 witnessed two of the most costly and least-inspired military operations in history, when both camps were already experiencing severe shortages of manpower (to the extent that in Britain it was necessary to institute compulsory military service for the first time). Both sides decided on offence.
Political changes had considerably influenced allied strategy on the Western Front. Asquith’s British administration, which had been compelled to change from its original Liberal composition to a coalition because of the Dardanelles mishandling, had fallen at the end of 1916 and David Lloyd George had been installed as prime minister. In France,...
The near collapse of Italy emphasized the Allied need to co-ordinate their actions, to which end a “Supreme War Council” was created at the Rapallo Conference (5 Nov-ember 1917). The Council, established at Versailles, was to meet regularly and include the prime Ministers of France, Britain and Italy, and the US president, or their representativ...

Altmark Incident - 16th February 1940

World War II European Theater
On the 16th of February 1940, a boarding party from the British Royal Navy seized the German supply ship Altmark in the territorial waters of then-neutral Norway and freed several British POWs. This incident contributed to Nazi Germany's plan to invade Denmark and Norway.

Doolittle Raid (Tokyo Raid) - April 1942

World War II Pacific Theater
On the 18th of April 1942, 16 American medium bombers commanded by Colonel James Harold Doolittle took off from the aircraft carrier USS Hornet to bomb Tokyo. The Doolittle Raid (Tokyo Raid) was a great success in propaganda terms, but eight of the pilots fell into Japanese hands.

Ardeatine Caves Massacre (1944)

World War II European Theater
The Ardeatine Caves massacre was the first major atrocity committed by German forces in Italy during World War II as a reprisal for partisan actions. On the afternoon of 23 March 1944, in Rome's Via Rasella, a group of 16 urban partisans of the Patriotic Action Group ambushed and bombed a German police unit that was part of the German occupation...
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Dark Secret of the Lusitania - National Geographic Documentary

Dark Secret of the Lusitania - National Geographic Documentary

A German torpedo hit the RMS Lusitania on May 7, 1915. Shortly after, a substantial second explosion shook the ship. Within 20 minutes, the vessel known as the "Greyhound of the Seas" had sunk to the ocean floor, resulting in the deaths of almost 1200 individuals. A new two-step investigation...
Submitted by: Tim Kirsten
22 March 2024

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