The MegaMilitary Project | Online Edition #595


Personalities, distinguished commanders, military geniuses, historic figures and personalities

Our list of biographies includes not only military personalities and distinguished battle commanders in history, but also men whose genius has earned them an unquestionable place in history or played a significant role in one of the many wars.

The biographies are not intended to be detailed essays of each individual but a compact approach to learn more about the character, strategy, talents, values, beliefs and eccentricities. When trying to analyze the outcome of many famous battles, these biographies will give us many clues on how much certain individuals directly affected the outcome through their personal contributions and the relationship with other leaders of the same periods.

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General Joseph Warren Stilwell

Militarians Biographies
Joseph Warren Stilwell was born on March 19, 1883, in Palatka, Florida and grew to know more about China than anyone else in the United States Army. Two decades before World War II, he spent four years studying Chinese art, literature, and language, and its military history. Years later, his two daughters gained similar interests. One was a musician who performed Chinese music; the other was a painter who imitated the style of Chinese artists.

General Hideki Tojo (Tōjō)

Militarians Biographies
During the period of World War II, the only man the people of the Allied nations hated as much as Adolf Hitler was probably Hideki Tojo. Yet, unlike Hitler, a genuine (if evil) political leader, Tojo was little more than the bureaucratic head of the military regime that dominated the Japanese empire. Not a popular leader to his countrymen, he gained a reputation among his fellow bureaucrats as "The Razor" a hyper efficient bureaucrat who knew how to get things done.

President Harry S. Truman

Politicians Biographies
Truman had served as vice president under Franklin D. Roosevelt for less than three months when Roosevelt's death thrust Truman into the White House. His administration would be rife with controversy, but the stalwart Missourian never backed away from the rigors of high office, and he assumed responsibility for all the decisions made by his administration. A small plaque on his desk confirmed Truman's conviction: "The buck stops here."

Joachim Friedrich von Heydebreck

Militarians Biographies
Joachim von Heydebreck was born on October 6, 1861 in Schwedt as the son of Lieutenant General Hennig von Heydebreck (1828-1904) and his wife, Anna von Colmar (1837-1879). He attended the Royal Pedagogy in Putbus and entered military service at nineteen.
Mao Zedong, the founding father of the People’s Republic of China and leader of the Chinese Communist Party, was born on December 26, 1893 in Shaoshan, Hunan Province, China into a wealthy farmer’s family. His truly drastic policies decisively shaped China during the twentieth century.

General Georgy Zhukov

Militarians Biographies
Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov was born in a village in Kaluga Province, southwest of Moscow, at the end of 1896. He joined the Novgorod dragoons in 1915, rose to sergeant, and twice received the St. George's Cross. After learning military tactics in the Czar's army, Zhukov joined the new Red Army when the Bolshevik Revolution brought down the Czar.
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